“There is divine beauty in learning…. To learn means to accept the postulate that life did not begin at my birth. Others have been here before me, and I walk in their footsteps.”

Elie Wiesel

When it comes to learning something new for your business, you could take many approaches. That’s why we put together Retail Revival, an insightful three-day worldwide event of e-commerce experts, retailers, digital marketers, and brand leaders.

You can now view all of the sessions on-demand if you were unable to attend any of them live.

The five must-attend sessions that you’ll find below include tremendous insights from global industry leaders and brand marketers.

How BrandAlley Used First-Party Data to Drive Purchase and Marketing Decisions

To drive repeat purchases and long-term customer loyalty, you need to deliver truly customized experiences that incorporate a 1:1 strategy for setting you apart from your competitors. 

By leveraging first-party data, BrandAlley stays agile and develops intricate personalized marketing campaigns tailored to the user’s specific needs.

In BrandAlley’s Retail Revival session, Alexandra Vancea, Head of Marketing, explained how they quickly adjusted to the changing needs of their customer by using first-party data.

“But what we do and what we have done, probably even more for the past year, is that whenever we notice a change in demand from customers, we basically ask everyone to help us change everything that we see in the customer journey. In a similar way we did with the home and garden products, and we basically changed the whole website to feature and focus on that. We transformed the way we merchandise the website with home and garden. We made sure that we spoke to the right customers in the right language, so to speak, so that they’re comfortable that, if I’m going from doing a renovation at home and I go to a website and I see a copy that kind of speaks to me in kind of the same manner and note, then I know I’m kind of in the right place.”

Alexandra Vancea Quote
Alexandra Vancea
Head of Marketing, BrandAlley

How Babbel Creates Personalized Experiences for a 10m+ Subscriber Base

According to estimates, apps will generate $270 billion by 2025, greatly exceeding the $143 billion generated in 2020. Among the millions of mobile apps on the market, making yours stand out and convincing users to pay a monthly subscription fee can be a challenge. 

But this didn’t stop Babbel. Nina Pollex, Director of CRM, discussed in Babbel’s Retail Revival session how they dramatically increased their subscriber base, increased YoY revenue, improved user engagement, and personalized the experiences of each customer.

”Yeah, so the whole idea is to make sure that those users that have a high intent to purchase and that know who Babbel may be or know what they want. They’re not distracted by too many bells and whistles here and there. They have the opportunity to purchase fast if they want to, while others — who may not be so sure yet, may be comparing different solutions, etc. — get a little more hand-holding and explaining why Babbel is the right solution for them. Or maybe for them, it’s not because they have a very special use case that we don’t serve yet, even though we’re also trying to expand and diversify our portfolio. And we try to look at basically all the data points that we have as soon as we have them.”

Nina Pollex Babbel
Nina Pollex
Director of CRM, Babbel

How Innovasport Drove 350K New Loyalty Members in Under 8 Weeks

Customer loyalty is an essential part of driving repeat purchases because it leads to better bottom-line results for companies. Even though customers shop through a variety of channels, providing customers with satisfying experiences to entice them to return should remain your primary objective.
In Innovasport’s Retail Revival session, Danielle Ríos, Head of Loyalty, discussed how they added 350,000 loyalty members to their program in just two months, as well as how they used their data to compile a 360-degree view of each customer to better meet their needs and build long-term relationships.

“So we are trying to build a 360-[degree] view of our customers by having e-commerce and POS integrated to loyalty. I guess that was a key factor, to connect all these dots. So when we have e-commerce and the POS integrated to our loyalty platform, that way those sales and the marketing strategies and also inventory can be connected. It’s like a virtuous circle. So when we have this 360-[degree] view of the customer, we can interact at the right time with the right segment. That way we are increasing sales, we are applying marketing strategies, we track the inventory, and we offer that inventory to the right segment.”

Danielle Rios Innovasport
Danielle Ríos
Head of Loyalty, Innovasport

 Mobile-First Audience, Customer-First Experiences: How Adidas Runtastic Increases Retention by Focusing on the Customer

It is estimated that the cost of acquiring a new customer can be anywhere from 5 to 25 times higher than the cost of keeping an existing customer. 

Customers who continue to invest in your company are the ones you want to form a long-term relationship with so you can keep them coming back for more.

In the adidas Runtastic Retail Revival session, Edit Dudás, Head of CRM, shared how they gained a 200% growth of new app users in just 30 days. Dudás explained in detail how they were able to remain relevant to this massive influx of new customers by providing a satisfying app experience that brought them back repeatedly.

“People basically took the opportunity, and we got actually more than 200% growth last March. It was really insane from one day to the other. So we needed to completely change our plans and rewrite the campaign plans that we had in mind, because obviously getting new people was really nice, but people were looking for a cause to actually connect to. So we teamed up with the VHO and started fundraising for the vaccination research. So basically, every minute that the user did in the app contributed financially also to [fund] this research. And, on the other hand, we opened up our premium subscription for everyone [and provided them] with a 90-day premium offer.”

Edit Dudas Adidas Runtastic
Edit Dudás
Head of CRM, adidas Runtastic

How Instant Brands Engages Online Shoppers with Highly Satisfying, Multi-Brand Experiences

In today’s world of digital-first retail, most customers begin their journey (and often complete their journey) with a brand digitally.  But what happens when a company has multiple brands a customer can choose from? In the Instant Brands Retail Revival session, Lindsay Ball, Sr. Digital Marketing Manager, shared how they used all their brands to create a website experience that led to higher engagements and better business results.

“One of the things that we leverage to really help do that as a company was a pop-up that not only went from — you’re on corelle.com and you are signing up for a Corelle email newsletter, but it gave the option to show all the other brands. And after you signed up, it gave you that second window that said, “Do you want to shop Pyrex? Shop Instant.” […] So it was really in the benefit of the consumer to connect all of that for them. But it was in the benefit for us because we were able to start pulling that data and find out — as we want to start cross-branding and really connect that experience — what is that Correlle customer signing up for? So, as we start to send that email out to consumers that maybe didn’t sign up for an additional brand, does it make sense to start bringing the Pyrex product in? Should we be showing them Chicago Cutlery? And so it was really a way for us to leverage what the consumer is telling us, to make the experience better, and really customer first vs. just trying to guess what we think they would like or what makes sense to us personally. […] That’s really been our biggest transformation over the last year, is just connecting all the brands, showing the consumer that they can go to one site and really get everything that they need for their kitchen, and also take in a brand like Instant that is so new within the last decade and really tying it to that Corelle, Corning Ware, Pyrex heritage, that is over 100 years old. So, just giving the consumer the confidence in buying our brand, but then showing […] our historical Corelle brands consumer[s] that we’re also going to start tackling innovation and just really bring that product forward in the upcoming years.”

Lindsay Ball Headshot
Lindsay Ball
Sr. Digital Marketing Manager, Instant Brands

Final Thoughts

Retail Revival was all about helping you walk in the footsteps of others, providing you with proven strategies to get the best results possible and achieve the business outcomes set by your organization. A major theme of Retail Revival, as you’ll see, is placing the customer first, both online and in-store. 

Retail Revival’s on-demand sessions are a great resource of stories and practical tips that you can use to take your marketing to the next level. Watch Retail Revival on-demand at: retailrevival.emarsystest.com

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